Monday, May 3, 2010

no karma. [120]

what comes around goes around.
i have to say that i don't entirely agree with this. at least, mot in the aspect that it happens in this lifetime.
i do believe that if one doesn't change his lifestyle and commit his life to Christ that he will be condemned to hell.
but have you thought about the sinner on the cross next to Jesus? he was criminal deserving of hell but Jesus grants him access to be with Him in paradise. paradise. all fall short of the glory of God and are deserving of death. but God grants us karma. right? life when deserving of death is karma. right? no.
God goes beyond our pretty belief of karma and grants us grace.
if karma was true, all the good people would be rich and the mobsters would be poor.
but the bad is having their best life now. while Christians wait patiently for our best life ever later. don't get me wrong, we need to seize everyday God blesses us with. but to honor God. give Him pleasure. to serve Him. to serve others. our reward is not the worldly material things of our lives. but gifts of serving and spiritual, relational things of God. they'll last longer than that i-phone and than karma you cling on.

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