Friday, June 11, 2010

city of black and white. [158]

the past few weeks, i've realized how much racism is still present in my life even when it comes to Christians. i'm not racist and i'm not just saying that. i believe we were all created in God's image and that the pigment of our skin has noting to do with His love for us.
i had never been to birmingham. i wanted to go but i was told that it wasn't worth it because it was dirty and filled with blacks. i live in wood river. cleanliness of a town doesn't really matter to me. but i never go to go to birmingham. i think because it was too black. but i still see the disrespect of other races. not just black but hispanic, asian, whatever. it's quite ridiculous. don't Christians know that Jesus was persian. He probably had darker skin.
i know some play the race card. which is completely unnecessary. but they still deserve respect as much as the next person.
i'm disappointed in Christians.

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