today is the day that we celebrate our dads. the thing is, this is the third year i haven't had an earthly dad to celebrate. i have to be honest, it hurts. i love my dad. i miss him more than words can say. i truly believe he is heaven bound. i also believe he isn't looking down on me. i've had some serious wrestling with this one. i don't think that people in Heaven watch us. they have no need.
anyways, God blessed me with seventeen years with the best dad anyone could ask for. quiet and gentle. righteous anger. what i imagine Christ to be like. of course, he had flaws. we all do.
but my dad showed me how women should be treated. i'm slowly remembering that i deserve to be treated in such a way.
he taught me to work for what i desire. to do everything to my full potential.
he supported me and guided me in decisions.
he gave me the gift of music. every inch of my love of music is from him.
he taught me to love nature and time spent in the wilderness.
now, God is reminding me of all these things.
like a crashing wave.
today, i realized that God is my Heavenly Father and loves me more than my dad. He knows that i crave a hug from my earthly father and a drive to somewhere just listening to music.
so God gives me those things in different ways.
jim baker,
i love you. and i miss you. see you soon.

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