it's hard to say because david, a man after God's own heart, called out to God for his enemies to suffer. jeremiah asked God to smite his enemies so he wouldn't die. jeremiah was a prophet. and he asked God to kill people. wow. i mean, it's very human to want revenge. to want people to suffer because we suffered under them. it's how weird how a lot of things changed when Jesus started talking. turn the other cheek. pray for our enemies so that it will go well with you.
treat them with kindness and respect because it will be like pouring hot coals on their heads. being nice is revenge? i feel as though i'd effect my enemies differently and more efficiently if i treated them with respect. they'd pay more attention to me. but it's not about me. it's about God. God says that vengeance is His and we shouldn't look to have our enemies suffer.
grace is a beautiful thing. it's a difficult thing. it's the hardest thing to give when we've been wounded. but we're called to Christ-like and give grace. being human is so hard. i want to seek revenge. i want those who make me suffer to suffer.
where do we draw the line from protecting ourselves and giving grace? Christ Himself said that it would be hard work to walk in His footsteps.
i remember reading shane claiborne, he wrote Jesus for president and the irresistible revolution. i can't remember which book but he talks about what turning the other cheek meant and mean. it meant that they had to look you in the eyes when they went to hit you again. the eyes are very powerful. they can tell a lot about a person. when you look the person who is hurting you in the eye, they see another person - a strong person. and the changes everything. grace changes everything.
my mom is great at giving out grace. i think you have to be if you're a great parent. but my mom has been taken advantage of bu people who she helps but she still helps them. she loses trust. but she still helps. i question her sometimes but when i read about Jesus, i see that my mom is a woman after God's own heart. she's crazy as hell but so was david. she's not perfect and she realizes that no one else is and that they need grace just like she does. she doesn't let them suffer.
i know that effects them.
i've seen it. they question her. they know that they don't deserve it.
i'd rather have that effect on a person than one they expect.
[never wear your own band's t-shirt.]
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