Friday, May 21, 2010

bitter taste. [137]

grace conquers bitterness.
i think that Christians get tired of Christians. especially when they disappoint us. the pastor committed adultery. a sibling gossiped about us. our parents get a divorce. a friend left us when we needed them most.
so we decide that we can fix our wounds on our own and feel justified and instead of being disappointed again, we leave the Church. but soon, we realize we have a bitter attitude. we've lost faith in Christians so we begin to question God and it begins to be hard to imagine finding away towards healing between you and the Church and God.
i know i say this a lot but it's very true.
grace changes everything.
what if we looked at all of our hurt through the eyes of grace.
broken people cannot mend broken people. knowing this is a step towards having grace for people.
maybe we should change our expectations. it can change our reaction when people disappoint us.
grace for others is also the key to healing for our wounds.
grace isn't an excuse for others and it does not absolved them from consequence.
we need to remember that it's not our place to administer that consequence. [this reminds me of batman and his rule to not kill his villains but to leave them to the justice system]
grace is for the strong, not for the weak.

1 comment:

  1. So much truth. Been there, done that, acquired a CLOSET full of t-shirts...
